Travel does so many good things for families. Family vacations are good for your heart, body, and soul. They help you recharge and reconnect in this fast paced world we live in. Here are 7 amazing things vacations do for your family.

1. Reduces stress and breaks you away from routine. discusses the effects stress can have on the body. Family life can be stressful at times with everyone running in all different directions.

Breaking away from your daily routine to go on vacation will, in turn, decrease your stress and lead to better health.

2. It is a learning experience like no other.

Vacations are learning experiences that children can truly not learn in school. Travel teaches them to interact with people of other cultures. They are exposed to new cultures, new places, and new people.

Vacations take kids out of their comfort zone and improve their life skills.

3. Improves adaptability.

Most families are creatures of habit and thrive on the same day to day routine. Traveling can improve your adaptability.

You are forced to try new foods, flights can be delayed, your routine changes. All this helps kids learn to deal with real life changes in situations and helps to build self-confidence.

4. Undeniable family bonding time.

Research has shown that family vacations improve bonding and communication. “Shared family memories and time spent together isolated from ordinary everyday activities (school, work, and so on) help to promote these positive ties.” (Published on June 22, 2010 by Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D. in Fulfillment at Any Age).

5. Creates memories.

Family vacations, of course, create memories. Memories that can be enjoyed again and again. Recalling and sharing these memories creates joy and happiness.

Very often we refer to vacation memories and enjoy the experience we had, in a way, all over again.

6. Increases mental sharpness.

In a new study published in the journal Environmental Psychology, researchers found that people who simply looked at a photo of nature for only 40 seconds had improved focus and performance on their next task.

7. Vacations make you happy.

A new study from the journal Psychological Science found that the anticipation of a vacation before it even happens makes you happy.

Vacation planning and anticipation is part of the fun for our family!

What are you waiting for? Plan your next family vacation today. Travel is good for your heart and soul! Happy Vacationing!!